Hi guys so recently I bought a 1996 efi Isuzu bighorn irmscher went like a rocket ship being a manual letting my friend borrow it he pranged it into his grandmas car thus us having to pull the front while doing so we had to drill a couple of holes into the front to mount the block and tackle onto something but he slipped and drilled into the loom not realizing he had done this we had driven it for a couple of hours all was going great but i noticed she started to crank a bit longer each time she started until she just stopped, this being my second bighorn I could use my old one for parts recently we have swapped out the following : glow plugs, ecu, the top electrical part of the pump, primer pump, various fuses but alas no start have got upto the part where there is fuel going to the pump but nothing coming out to the injectors , is there something we are missing or should I just swap to a manual fuel pump and call it a day
cheers and thanks for your time