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crossmember adapter plate cert?

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crossmember adapter plate cert?

Postby WIZ96 » Sun May 07, 2017 12:13 pm

Does anyone know if a adpter plate for crossmember for manual conversion have to be certified in nz?
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Re: crossmember adapter plate cert?

Postby geeves » Wed May 10, 2017 8:54 am

Turns out this is a good question. My understanding is that if it can be bolted its ok but not welded. However a wof issuing mechanic on here has a differing view. Also consider the driveshafts as they need changing. If Mu or bighorn then manual ones exist but with a wizard you need to modify the rear driveshaft and that does need cert.
Best to talk to a certifier before you start
Sanding your knuckles before starting work can help. That way you cant skin them
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